About Your Hosts, The Schearers

Chad has hunted on 5 continents and extensively around the world. Besides hunting, Chad is an advocate for wildlife conservation and was the chairman of the board for the Mule Deer Foundation where he served on the board for 9 years. Chad is also a life member of the
NRA. Chad and his family host the award-winning television show Shoot Straight.
More importantly than any of these accomplishments Chad is a husband to Marsha and a dad to Walker and Wyatt.

Marsha was the first lady to be put on the CVA pro staff and has hunted and fished around the world from New Zealand to Africa and many destinations in between. As she says, “Shoot like a girl, try to keep up!”

Walker loves to fly and is a licensed pilot. He is currently working on obtaining more ratings. He has a great love for fly fishing and has waded waters from the High Arctic to South America and many places in between including being in the back country with a fly rod in his hand.
In 2022 the Schearer’s expanded their family with Walker marrying Breanna. She loves the outdoors and joins in on the adventures. Together they enjoy their business, Big Sky Bird Dogs where they train multiple breeds of hunting dogs.

Wyatt enjoys turkey hunting and completed his turkey grand slam at age 11. When he isn’t hunting you will find him scouting and searching for new ground to hunt on along with taking care of predator control, too.
Wyatt is very passionate about his horses and loves team roping. He spends hours roping and riding while competing at rodeos. Wyatt spends his winters roping and training in Texas and the rest of the year in Montana competing on the professional level as a PRCA cowboy.